Friday, May 16, 2008

Brighton Great Escape

Alright loves,

Been a while. I bust my laptop, honest. Thought I would just let you know about the show we did last night at the great escape. It was pretty special. I don't think I have seen a crowd go so completely bananas for a while and we fed hungrily on it. You can never put your finger on what makes a special show and I am sure there is a lot of luck involved but our lines converged last night. So that was nice.

In other news and stuff we are playing with our heroes Sparks on Saturday. I can't wait. How in God's name they are managing to play all 21 albums in as many nights I will never know. It is certainly a feat. We will be there for the album "A woofer in tweeters clothing", isn't that an amazing album title, I wish I had thought of that. Me and Tom hope that we are still writing together when we are 60 odd. I imagine we will be as we will not be able to think of anything better to do.

Did a nice session with Mark Riley last week, he's one of the only truly music fans in the dj business in my mind. Maybe thats just because he likes music that I like.

This is sounding a bit like a news update, sorry, but Turn tail single is out on Monday 19th. I am excited. I think it's one of the best songs we have ever released as a single.

Saw Ungdomskulen last night, that was a real treat.

see you

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