Wednesday, September 24, 2008

OK so I got distracted...

And didn't post anything new here. But I make amends today. It's quiet for us at the moment, we are just beavering away on new material and planning the new world order, which looks pretty funny so far. The songs are coming slowly but surely and we have a lot of frikking crazy ideas to choose from. It's the prog third album where we all grow our hair long and do a shit load of acid. The studio is getting very warm and manly and the coffee intake has gone sky high, so much so that my joints are drying up, the joints in my wrists, not my doobie joints, they are fine.

We came up with a title for album 3 "Royal Daylight", but we may find that giving an album a name before it is written is a massive mistake. Any way, we are rejecting all songs that sound like just another Young Knives song, and trying to make something jolly and scary and odd. Let's see if you can tell the difference when, and of course "if" it comes out.

Off to South America next Saturday, which will be fun. I'll make sure there are photos, sexy comments and a phat blog of antics for you to read.

I love you

Henry x

1 comment:

Lord Nudeweets said...


I have complete faith that the next album will be your best. Actually, I think you are a bit proggy - and some the acoustic bits on the b sides are very 'Incredible String Band'.
You are geniuses! Keep going!

P.S. Check your facebook - hoping to come to the Birmingham gig