Tuesday, October 7, 2008

South America

I managed 4 films on the flight: Hancock, Hallam Foe, Kung fu Panda and Indiana Jones 4. Classics all of them. Actually I just couldn't focus on Indi by the end. Despite my impressive figure Oliver actually busted 5 films which i think takes some beating.

We are in Sau Paulo, its big and fun. I like Cachassa a lot, it makes me all warm. House and I did some sight seeing this morningm, we visited a cemetary with the most amazing mausoleums. It is spring here and the water goes down the plug hole the other way. Skill. There are a lot of junk shops and second hand shops in this city so we have been trying to spend money on rubbish and not succeeding. There is still time.

We went to a restaurant today where they have a small disc at each table that is divided into two colours; red and green. When green is facing up the waiters bring meat, when you feel like you are going to die from meat you have to turn the card over to red. Red means "Please, no more meat, I can't eat any more of your damn meat!" Salad is also available.

We also did another acoustic session today, but it was good fun and got our voices warmed up for tomorrow. House has a sore throat from 13 hours of airoplane air con.

We are supposed to be going to Iceland next week but apparently the whole country has become poor in the last 24 hours. This may jeopordise the trip. I hope not for purely selfish reasons.

Here are some sexy photos.

1 comment:

usedtobe said...

paul theroux has nothing on you :))

can you post the pix somewhere other than facebook as well, please?